

F594 中級會計學(三) 開課學期:1091
開課班級: 會計系 3A
授課教師:周麗美 必修 學期課 學分數:3.0 大恩 0708 星期五 12:10-15:00
Department of Accounting 3A
Professor:CHOU, LI-MEI Required Semester Credits: 3.0 Da En 0708 Friday 12:10-15:00


It is our objective to promote Chinese culture, enhance cross-disciplinary innovation, seek constant advancement, and embrace global community.


秉承質樸堅毅校訓,承東西之道統,集中外之精華,研究高深學術, 培養專業人才,服務社會,致力中華文化之發揚, 促進國家發展.
Based on our motto—“Temperament, Simplicity, Strength, and Tenacity,” “inheriting the merits of the East and the West” and “absorbing the essence of Chinese and foreign cultures,” we make it our mission to pursue advanced research, develop professional talents, serve the society, promote Chinese culture and support national development.



培育國際經營視野 To foster new perspectives of international business
培養國際學術研究智慧 To raise the standards of academic research in international business
訓練國際企業管理知能 To teach and equip students with the knowledge of international business management
養成國際多元文化倫理道德素養 To nurture international multiculturalism and ethical literacy


專業知能 Knowledge
溝通整合能力Communication Skills
思辯與問題解決能力Problem Solving
國際視野與素養Global Awareness








專業能力(包括會計專業能力、審計專業能力、稅務專業能力) (比重 90%)
倫理素養 (比重 5%)
資訊應用能力 (比重 5%)


本課程為會計系之核心課程, 承續初級會計對會計理論及基本原理原則,作更深入的研討,也是未來修讀其他課程的重要基礎。本課程兼顧國際會計準則及法規的規定,才能讓學生畢業後在工作或進一步深造,有適應現行會計準則的能力以及進一步發展的潛能。一此本課程內容約略如下: 1. 介紹國際會計原則的內容及實際操作, 包括理論架構、 重要會計原則及觀念,並就所有資產、負債、業主權益的帳項處理及特殊會計問題逐一討論。 2. 兼論會計資訊在企業經營上的運用。    3. 兼論會計學與財務管理及投資學的整合。 4. 預期效果 A.方便參加各項考試:任何考試需要應試會計學者均須修讀本課程,包括高 普考、會計師考試、記帳士考試及研 究所 等考試。 B.服務工商企業界擔任會計及財務工作者也須精研本課程。 C.有志於會計師事務所任職審計工作者 也須精研本課程。


The course is to be aimed at each essential item of the financial statements and then to go deep into confer and decompose. It includes all detailed explains of the evaluated methods, the expresses of financial statements and the exposes of references about property, plant and equipment, long-term investments, intangible assets, current assets, contingencies, long-term liabilities, lease accounting and so on. I think it should be fairly helpful for those students are ambitious to take the exam for promotion, to be an official and to get the licenses of the other special skills.
 中文                 英文
1. 流動資產 current assets
2. 現金及約當現金 cash and cash equivalents
3. 在途現金 cash in transit
4. 短期投資 short-term investments
5. 應收票據 notes receivable
6. 應收票據貼現 discounted notes receivable
7. 應收帳款 accounts receivable
8. 應收分期帳款 installment accounts receivable
9. 備抵呆帳 -應收帳款 allowance for uncollec- tible accounts – accounts receivable
10. 存貨 inventories
11. 寄銷商品 consigned goods
12. 在途商品 goods in transit
13. 備抵存貨跌價損失 allowance for reduction of inventory to market
14. 製成品 finished goods
15. 副產品 by-products
16. 在製品 work in process
17. 預付費用 prepaid expenses
18. 預付薪資 prepaid payroll
19. 預付租金 prepaid rents
20. 預付保險費 prepaid insurance
21. 預付所得稅 prepaid income tax
22. 存出保證金 refundable deposits
23. 遞延所得稅資產 deferred income tax assets
24. 基金及長期投資 funds and long-term investments
25. 長期投資 long-term investments
26. 長期股權投資 long-term equity investments
27. 長期債券投資 long-term bond investments
28. 人壽保險現金解約價值 cash surrender value of life insurance
29. 備抵長期投資跌價損失 allowance for excess of cost over market value of long-term investments
30. 固定資產 property , plant, and equipment
31. 土地—重估增值 land – revaluation increments
32. 土地改良物 land improvements
33. 累積折舊 —土地改良物 accumulated depreciation – land improvements
34. 累積折舊 —房屋及建物 accumulated depreciation – buildings
35. 租賃資產 leased assets
36. 遞耗資產 depletable assets
37. 累積折耗 —天然資源 accumulated depletion – natural resources
38. 無形資產 intangible assets
39. 商標權 trademarks
40. 專利權 patents
41. 特許權 franchise
42. 著作權 copyright
43. 商譽 goodwill
44. 開辦費 organization costs
45. 遞延資產 deferred assets
46. 閒置資產 idle assets
47. 出租資產 assets leased to others
48. 存出保證金 refundable deposit
49. 流動負債 current liabilities
50. 短期借款 bank loan
51. 銀行透支 bank overdraft
52. 銀行借款 short-term borrowings(debt)
53. 應付所得稅 income taxes payable
54. 應付薪工 accrued payroll
55. 應付租金 accrued rent payable
56. 應付利息 accrued interest payable
57. 應付營業稅 accrued VAT payable
58. 預收貨款 sales revenue received in advance
59. 預收收入 revenue received in advance
60. 長期負債 long-term liabilities
61. 應付公司債 corporate bonds payable
62. 應付公司債溢(折)價 premium(discount) on corporate bonds payable
63. 應計退休金負債 accrued pension liabilities
64. 遞延負債 deferred liabilities
65. 遞延收入 deferred revenue
66. 遞延所得稅負債 deferred income tax liabilities
67. 存入保證金 deposits received
guarantee deposit received
68. 資本(或股本) capital
69. 普通股股本 capital – common stock
70. 特別股股本 capital – preferred stock
71. 資本公積 additional paid-in capital
72. 普通股股票溢價 paid-in capital in excess of par- common stock
73. 特別股股票溢價 paid-in capital in excess of par- preferred stock
74. 資產重估增值準備 capital surplus from assets revaluation
75. 權益法長期股權投資資本公積 additional paid-in capital from investee under equity method
76. 資本公積— 庫藏股票交易 additional paid-in capital – treasury stock trans-actions
77. 法定盈餘公積 legal reserve
78. 保留盈餘(或累積虧損) retained earnings (accumulated deficit)
79. 特別盈餘公積 special reserve
80. 累積盈虧 accumulated profit or loss
81. 前期損益調整 prior period adjustments
82. 本期損益 net income or loss for current period
83. 長期股權投資未實現跌價損失 unrealized loss on market value decline of long-term equity investments
84. 累積換算調整數 cumulative translation adjustment
85. 庫藏股 treasury stock
86. 銷貨成本 cost of goods sold
87. 進貨 purchases
88. 進貨費用 purchase expenses
89. 進貨退出 purchase returns
90. 進貨折讓 charges on purchased merchandise
91. 推銷費用 selling expenses
92. 管理及總務費用 general & administrative expenses
93. 研究發展費用 research and development expense
94. 利息收入 interest revenue
95. 投資收益 investment income
96. 股利收入 dividends income
97. 停業部門損益—停業前營業損益 income(loss) from operations of discontinued segments
98. 停業部門損益—處分損益 gain(loss) from disposal of discontinued segments
99. 非常損益 extraordinary gain or loss
100. 會計原則變動累積影響數 cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles




會計專業知能 The professional knowledge and ability of accounting. (比重 80%) 管理及商學基礎知能 The fundamental knowledge and ability of management and business. (比重 10%) 倫理、人文及法律知能 The knowledge and ability of ethics, humanity and law. (比重 5%) 資訊應用能力 The ability of information application. (比重 5%)
期中測驗評量% % % % %
期末測驗評量% % % % %
實習測驗% % % % %
出席紀錄考核評量% % % % %


中級會計學(第十四版)作者: 鄭丁旺博士






  1. 2020/09/18第十一章 金融資產與採用權益法之投資
  2. 2020/09/25第十一章 金融資產與採用權益法之投資
  3. 2020/10/02第十一章 金融資產與採用權益法之投資
  4. 2020/10/09第十一章 金融資產與採用權益法之投資
  5. 2020/10/16第十三章 金融負債、非金融負債及負債準備
  6. 2020/10/23第十三章 金融負債、非金融負債及負債準備
  7. 2020/10/30第十四章 股東權益
  8. 2020/11/06第十四章 股東權益
  9. 2020/11/13期中考試
  10. 2020/11/20第十四章 股東權益
  11. 2020/11/27第十五章  保留盈餘及每股盈餘
  12. 2020/12/04第十五章  保留盈餘及每股盈餘
  13. 2020/12/11第十五章  保留盈餘及每股盈餘
  14. 2020/12/18第十五章  保留盈餘及每股盈餘
  15. 2020/12/25第十九章 現金流量表
  16. 2021/01/01第十九章 現金流量表
  17. 2021/01/08第十九章 現金流量表
  18. 2021/01/15期末考