

3474 英文作文(二) 開課學期:1111
開課班級: 英文系 2A
授課教師:黃子玲 必修 學年課 學分數:2.0 大仁 0123 星期三 13:10-15:00
3474 ENGLISH COMPOSITION (2) 2022 Fall
Department of English Language and Literature 2A
Professor:HUANG, TZU-LING Required Full Year Credits: 2.0 Da Ren 0123 Wednesday 13:10-15:00


It is our objective to promote Chinese culture, enhance cross-disciplinary innovation, seek constant advancement, and embrace global community.


秉承質樸堅毅校訓,承東西之道統,集中外之精華,研究高深學術, 培養專業人才,服務社會,致力中華文化之發揚, 促進國家發展.
Based on our motto—“Temperament, Simplicity, Strength, and Tenacity,” “inheriting the merits of the East and the West” and “absorbing the essence of Chinese and foreign cultures,” we make it our mission to pursue advanced research, develop professional talents, serve the society, promote Chinese culture and support national development.







1. 培育學生紮實之英語聽、說、讀、寫、譯溝通能力。
2. 結合英美文學、語言學與英美文化之專業知識,培育有人文素養之英語文專業人才。
3. 提供多元課程,培養具有國際觀之專業人才。
4. 培育學生第二專長之基礎,強化就業競爭力,並擴展進修深造之管道。




The course aims to enable students to write unified, well-organized and fully developed English paragraphs. Students are expected to write not only grammatical sentences but also paragraphs with clear transitions and logical developments. Thus, the objective of the course is to develop students’ ability to write clear English paragraphs with various organizational patterns.本課程旨在教導學生寫出統一、連貫、完整的英文段落。因此,本課程的主要目的在於透過段落寫作練習讓學生熟悉主要的英文思考發展模式和段落的組織結構。


具備英文聽、說、讀、寫、譯的溝通能力。 (比重 50%)
具備英美文學、文化素養與國際觀之專業人才。 (比重 10%)
具備語言學方面基礎知能。 (比重 30%)
具備應用英文(含語言教學)之基本專業技能。 (比重 10%)


This second-year English writing course aims to enable students to write unified, coherent, and well-developed English paragraphs. Major strategies for developing various organizational patterns such as narration, classification, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, argumentation, etc. are the focus of the course. Various ways of generating ideas are emphasized to help students discover appropriate topics for their writing. Process of writing is also stressed through multiple-draft writing assignments and peer reviewing activities. Learning of grammar and vocabulary is another focus of the course and it is integrated in the revision process of the writing activities.本課程旨在提升學生英文段落寫作之能力,使其寫出統一、連貫、完整的英文段落。上課以討論不同的段落發展及組織結構如記敘、分類、比較、因果關係、論辯等不同的文體為主。本課程的另一目標在於指導學生發現寫作的素材以豐富其作品的內涵。課程活動強調寫作過程如多稿寫作及同儕互閱。並經由修改編輯的過程來持續加強學生使用英文文法及字彙的能力。


Course Overview
因此本課程以美式沙漏狀 圖形模式,以五段式寫作架構成為學生英文寫作的秘笈,並且幫助學生分辨一般對話用語與寫作用語之不同;更加強實作練習,實際運用重要及有效的寫作策略和方法。
課程目標Course Goals:
♪ to practice and improve English writing ability through class activities.
藉著分組活動和分組表演, 提昇加強英文寫作的能力。讓學生自由發揮其寫作樂趣
♪ to increase writing confidence, inspiration, and spontaneity through class activities and group presentations.
♪ to transition well to graduate school here and/or overseas.

    Students are expected to write effective paragraphs with distinct transitions, logical developments and standard paragraph structure (framework). The objective of the course is to cultivate students’ ability to write well-defined English paragraphs with various organizational patterns.  本課程旨在教導學生寫出統一、連貫、完整的英文段落。因此,本課程的主要目的在於透過段落寫作練習,讓學生熟悉主要的英文思考發展模式和 段落的組織結構。
    This second-year English writing course aims to enable students to write unified, coherent, and well-developed English paragraphs.  Process of writing is also stressed through brainstorming, writing multiple-draft, editing, revising, and peer reviewing.  本課程旨在提升學生英文段落寫作之能力, 使其寫出 統一、連貫、完整的英文段落。上課以討論不同的段落發展及組織結構如 記敘、分類、比較、論辯等不同的文體為主。課程活動強調寫作過程如多稿寫作及同儕互閱。並經由修改編輯的過程來持續加強複習學生使用英文習作的能力。
    This course will be dealing specifically essay structure.   In this course, students will learn to paraphrase and properly quote sections of an article without committing plagiarism.  In addition, this course will touch base on common writing errors made by Taiwanese university students and offer instruction on how to avoid colloquial language, idioms, clichés and slang in formal writing.

Learning Outcomes (Expectation of the End Result of students’ performance in this class):
By the end of the semester my students will:
1. Gain more confidence to write willingly in class.
2. 90% of my Students will be able to write clearly and comprehend by others at least 70% of the time.
3. 95% of my students will have at least one opportunity to construct their English in my presence, and I will have opportunity to help them improve their writing by making some constructive suggestions and corrections on a one-on-one basis.
4. Make them keenly aware that plagiarism and cheating is a criminal act and creativity is the way to advance oneself in education.


因「新型冠狀病毒肺炎」防疫措施無法到校上課之學生,配合修正111 學年度第1學期教學大綱內容。
說 明: 一、課程中,如學生因「新型冠狀病毒肺炎」疫情影響,須就醫、居家檢疫、隔離、自主健康管理、延遲返台者: 使用本校雲端教學系統 Microsoft Teams,以同步或非同步(錄影/音)方式進行。

1. Warm up Activity/ Test / Quiz/ Writing Pre-Task:

2. Roll Calls: 點名

3. Discussion of Current News/ Reading/Writing-The Main Content of the Lesson

Each lesson will have a different activity and different focus therefore the format of the class group discussion will be diverse.

Pair Work/ Group Discussion/ Brainstorming Session/Problem Solving Session:
4. Common Mistakes:

5. Question and Answer/Peer Editing/Feedback/Drill Session/ Follow Up Activity:

6. Pop Quiz:

7. Evaluation/ Homework Announcement:


具備英文聽、說、讀、寫、譯的溝通能力。 (比重 50%)具備英美文學、文化素養與國際觀之專業人才。 (比重 10%)具備語言學方面基礎知能。 (比重 30%)具備應用英文(含語言教學)之基本專業技能。 (比重 10%)


Langan, John (2010). Paragraph Skills, Second Edition. McGraw-Hill International Edition and Enterprises LLC., Taiwan Branch, Tung Hua.


Paragraph writing textbook
Hogue, Ann (2014). Longman Academic Writing Series 2 : Paragraphs. Third edition Pearson Education, Inc. White Plains, NY

(Boardman, Cynthia, A., (2008). Writing to Communicate 1: Paragraphs. Pearson Longman, White Plain, NY.

Oshima, A., & Hogue, Ann(2014). Longman Academic Writing Series 3 : Paragraphs to Essays. Fourth edition Pearson Education, Inc. White Plains, NY

Werner, P.K. & Nelson, J.P. (1991). Mosaic 2: Grammar (Silver Edition) . The McGraw-Hill Companies.
ISBN: 978-007-125835-7

Butler, E., Hickman, M.A., McAlexander, P.J. & Overby, L. (1995 & 2011). Correct Writing (Sixth Ed.). Cengage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.
ISBN: 978-986-6121-09-8
Morenberg, Max & Sommers, Jeff (2008). The Writer's Options: Lessons in style and Arrangement (eighth edition). New York: NY: Pearson: Longman-Pearson International Edition.

Vince, Michael (2009). Advanced Language Practice: English Grammar and Vocabulary (3rd Edition) Oxford, Macmillan Publishers.

Murphy, Raymond (2007). English Grammar in Use: a reference and practice book for intermediate students of English (3rd Edition). Cambridge, UK. Cambridge University Press.
Butler, E., Hickman, M. A., McAlexander, P. J., & Overby, L. (1997). Correct Writing (sixth ed.). Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath and Company.

Maurer, Jay (2012). Focus on Grammar 5: An Integrated Skills Approach,  Fourth Edition. White Plains, NY: Pearson Longman.
ISBN 10:-013254650-7
Fuchs, M. & Bonner, M. (2012). Focus on Grammar 4: An Integrated Skills Approach,  Fourth Edition. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.  
ISBN 10:-013254649-3
Fuchs, M.,  Bonner, M., & Westheimer, M.  (2012). Focus on Grammar 3: An Integrated Skills Approach,  Fourth Edition. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.  
ISBN 10:-013254648-5

Hamp-Lyons, Liz & Heasley, Ben (2006). Study Writing: A course in writing skills for academic Purposes (2nd Edition). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
ISBN: 978-0-521-53496-3

The New Oxford American Dictionary (2005). (2nd ed.,). In E. McKean (Ed.), New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc.
ISBN: 0-10-517077-6 (Hardcover)

Kipfer, B.A. (2001) Roget's International Thesaurus, (6th ed.,). Revised and Updated. In R.L. Chapman (Ed.), New York, NY: Harper Collins Publishers, Inc.
ISBN: 0-06-0935-44-8 (paperback)
US$ 16.95 (through

Strunk, William Jr. & White, E.B. (2005). The Elements of Style. Needham Heights, MA: Pearson Education Company.
ISBN: 0205-30902-x


It is quite essential for you to gain personal access to a computer or own a laptop.  In addition, there are many computer facilities located on the campus.  Most of the project, written paper or assignment should be done on the computer.



Assignments 報告/作業
Please spend 15 minutes to write a “Reflection paper” at the end of each class session daily.  
1. A vocabulary test, test on prepositional phrases (or sentence phrases), and a simple grammar test will be given every third week.  
Final assessment consists of a final written test.  
Divided in Groups
This class emphasizes on paying attention greatly.  It is essential that you get in a group or pair up with a friend next to you.  Please wisely use this time to practice controlled writing paradigms that will be given or use the textbook for modeled English sentences. You can also create a few sentences and check with me for correct grammar and usage.  Please do not use this time to do other homework or chat in Chinese.  I will be walking around to make sure you are on task.  Participation points will be taken away if you are not on task.
You are expected to attend every class on time.  Ten minutes after the bell rings you will be counted late, which will result in a deduction of 1/36(18 weeks x 2 hours per week) x 30/100 against your grade.  Officially recorded as “Late/Tardy” means that you are not in your assigned seat listening attentively exactly ten minutes after the class starts.

2. If you were late (without an excused note) for more than 20 minutes there will be a deduction of 2/36 x 30% (or 1/18 x 30%) against your course grade.  


3.  Four absences will result in failing and a compulsory withdrawal from the class.  You will not be permitted to take the final examination.  

4. Two unexcused absences will also result in failing the course which will also result in compulsory withdrawal from the class.  For an “excused” absence you must inform me prior to the missing of the class.  You may do so by:  writing a note and putting it in my box, or by having one of your classmates tell me at the start of the class.  

5. All assignments should be done and turned in on time to receive full credit.  “On time” means it must be given to me during class on the day the assignment is due.  No late assignment is permitted.  
Additional Rules: 額外規定
1. Please turn off your cell phone.  You will be asked to leave the lab once you talk on the phone.
2. No eating in class. 請勿飲食。
3. No talking in class. 請勿在課堂上喧嘩/ 大聲談話。

Academic Integrity學術倫理

Plagiarism Policy strictly reinforced
No cheating in class including copying your friend’s homework answers, a hidden cheat sheet in any form.

Here are two ways to contact me:
My office number is 2861-0511 extension # 23781
My email address  Please contact me if you have any question.  




  1. 2022/09/14Introduction & the Instruction of syllabus
  2. 2022/09/21Week 2: Chapter One: An Introduction to Writing
    We will go over the content which I have transferred the important points and made them into the power point slide. I will start with introducing the author of this book.  We will also work on some activities to clarify or to serve as examples of what has been learned. We will have pop quiz at the end of the session to check students’ understanding!
  3. 2022/09/28Week 3: Introducing Children’s Book!  Chapter One continues!
  4. 2022/10/05Week 4: Chapter Two:  The Writing Process: This book is a great book that shows students step by step how to write by helping writers to elicit confidence and eliminate possible writing comprehension or writer’s block. We will expound on how to reach the goals of being an effective writer; Prewriting techniques (free writing questioning, brainstorming and clustering); four stages of writing process; tips on using a computer; and Peer editing
  5. 2022/10/12Week 5: Chapter Two:  The Writing Process (continues)
  6. 2022/10/19Week 6: Chapter Three: Four Steps for Writing, Four Bases for Revising
    Review Question for Chapter Two; Preview: What are the steps to writing effective Paragraphs? Four Bases for Revising Writing.  We will also work on activities on this chapter such as finding topic sentences; breaking down the parts of a paragraph; identifying general ideas; developing specific ideas; finding specific vs. general support; writing specific details; providing support; adding details to a paragraph; grouping details; omitting and grouping details; using listing order; using time order; using transitions; omitting off-target sentences; checking for specific details; looking for organization and coherence; identifying sentence errors; evaluating paragraphs for unity, support, coherence, and sentence skills;
  7. 2022/10/26Week 7: On part two we will deal with paragraph development.
    Chapter Four: Exemplification
    In this chapter we will deal with paragraphs to consider; developing an exemplification paragraph; writing an exemplification paragraph. We will talk about three important issues: unity, support, and coherence. We will work on writing assignment and reflective activity.
  8. 2022/11/02Week 8: Chapter Four continues.
    Review for midterm exam.

  9. 2022/11/09Midterm Exam
  10. 2022/11/16Chapter Five: Narration
    Paragraphs to Consider
    Developing a Narrative Paragraph
    Writing a Narrative Paragraph
  11. 2022/11/23Chapter Five: Narration continues.
    Work on writing assignment #3, peer editing and Conferencing time

  12. 2022/11/30Chapter Six: Description
    We will explore “Developing a descriptive Paragraph” and we will write a descriptive paragraph.
  13. 2022/12/07Chapter Six: Description continues
  14. 2022/12/14Chapter Seven: Process
    We will discover how to develop a process paragraph from this chapter and we will write a process paragraph.

  15. 2022/12/21Chapter Seven: Process continues

  16. 2022/12/28Chapter Eight: Cause and Effect (page 123)
    We will expand on the idea of developing a cause-and-effect paragraph, and development through prewriting, development through revising.
    Week 16 We will write a cause-and-effect paragraph.
    and Final review session!
  17. 2023/01/04Final review day!!
  18. 2023/01/11Final Exam--the Big Day!