

0095 消費者行為 開課學期:1092
開課班級: 觀光系 3B
授課教師:浦心蕙 必修 學期課 學分數:3.0 大恩 0611 星期四 15:10-18:00
0095 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 2021 Spring
Department of Tourism Management 3B
Professor:PU, HSIN-HUI Required Semester Credits: 3.0 Da En 0611 Thursday 15:10-18:00


It is our objective to promote Chinese culture, enhance cross-disciplinary innovation, seek constant advancement, and embrace global community.


秉承質樸堅毅校訓,承東西之道統,集中外之精華,研究高深學術, 培養專業人才,服務社會,致力中華文化之發揚, 促進國家發展.
Based on our motto—“Temperament, Simplicity, Strength, and Tenacity,” “inheriting the merits of the East and the West” and “absorbing the essence of Chinese and foreign cultures,” we make it our mission to pursue advanced research, develop professional talents, serve the society, promote Chinese culture and support national development.



培育國際經營視野 To foster new perspectives of international business
培養國際學術研究智慧 To raise the standards of academic research in international business
訓練國際企業管理知能 To teach and equip students with the knowledge of international business management
養成國際多元文化倫理道德素養 To nurture international multiculturalism and ethical literacy


專業知能 Knowledge
溝通整合能力Communication Skills
思辯與問題解決能力Problem Solving
國際視野與素養Global Awareness






1.建立大學部學生消費者行為之理論背景。 2.促使大學部學生瞭解國內外觀光客心理與行為之實例。 3.累積大學部學生應用電腦軟體編排文字檔與製作簡報檔之技巧。 4.訓練大學部學生上臺簡報之能力。


觀光知識與實務能力 (比重 40%)
餐旅事業專業知識與服務能力 (比重 20%)
旅遊事業專業知識與服務能力 (比重 20%)
觀光事業服務專業能力 (比重 5%)
職場倫理及國際視野 (比重 15%)


瞭解觀光客之心理與行為,向為觀光學術訓練中不可或缺的一環。本課程以心理及行為科學之理論為綱領,由行銷之觀點切入,配合觀光領域之例證,剖析個別觀光客複雜的消費決策過程。主要課程內容探討觀光客消費心理之各階段、影響消費決策之內外在因素、消費者行為之重要全球性趨勢、以及蒐集觀光客資訊之方法。期促使學生進一步體認觀光消費行為之範疇,並能將學習到的基本觀念與知識活用於職場或進修。 It is indispensable in academic tourism training to discipline the students to explore into tourists’mind and behaviour. This course, ‘Consumer Behavior’, presents the theories and examples in psychology and behaviour science relevant to tourism studies. The complex decision-making processes in tourists’ buying behaviour viewed from marketing perspective are the basic focus. The main parts of this course include the psychology of tourists’decision-making process, the factors affecting consumers’ buying decisions, the important trends of global consumer behaviour, and the research methods to collect tourists’information. The students are expected to grasp the basic concepts of tourists’buying behaviour, and to utilise the knowledge actively in their future career or academic pursuit.



(Please refer to the weekly schedule for the course contents.  The schedule is the expected teaching focus for each week.  The actual progress will be adjusted depending on the students' reaction in the class.)

(Due to the change of selected textbook, the course outline above is adjusted as follows:)

(The human factor is one of the most fundamental elements in tourism. The tourists, the service delivers in the tourism industry, as well as the residents of the tourism destinations, play very important roles in tourism development. Therefore, it is indispensable in academic tourism training to discipline the students to explore into tourists’ mind and behaviour. This course, "Consumer Behavior", presents the theories and examples in psychology and behaviour science relevant to tourism and leisure studies. The complex decision-making processes in tourists’ buying behaviour viewed from marketing perspective are the basic focus. The main parts of this course include the psychology of tourists’ decision-making process, the factors affecting consumers’ buying decisions, the important trends of global consumer behaviour, and the research methods to collect tourists’ information. The students are expected to grasp the basic concepts of tourists’ buying behaviour, and to utilise the knowledge actively in their future career or academic pursuit.)

本課程之英文課程目標如下:(The purposes of this course are listed below:)
1. Theoretical background of the University student's consumer behavior.
2. Undergraduate students about instances of psychology and behavior of domestic and foreign tourists.
3. Cumulative undergraduate student using computer software to format text files and briefing skills.
4. The training of ability of the undergraduate stage briefing.

[The content of compulsory course "Consumer Behavior", and six of our students develop core competencies, its corresponding associations are as follows (may also refer to our Home the left "curriculum mapping" page links):]

 1. 培養觀光專業基本素養與實習能力(Understand the basic terms in knowledge and internship practices):40%
 2. 培養觀光資訊之蒐集分析整合與應用能力(Enable to demonstrate ability in information analysis and decision integration in hospitality and tourism industry):15%
 3. 培養觀光產業行銷能力(Enable to demonstrate marketing ability in hospitality and tourism industry):20%
 4. 具備考取觀光相關證照的能力(Enable the ability to obtain professional certificates in hospitality and tourism fields):10%
 5. 培養與國際接軌之相關外語能力(Develop language skills for entering foreign markets):10%
 6. 培養具備道德與企業倫理素養(Familiarize with moral awareness and ethical thinking in hospitality and tourism industry):5%

(In response to the University executing the Teaching Excellence Project by Ministry of Education since 2011, all the courses of our Department in the tutoring system show the University's Prospect & Vision, Mission Statement, and Educational Goals and Objectives of the University, the Business School, and the Department of Tourism Management, and students' core competences expected by the Business School and our Department.  Hopefully the students may understand the messages clearly, and learn hard to improve themselves.)



(PPT lecture on teaching materials in this course, students will have an opportunity to speak of and discuss supplement.)

因應2020年初起之新冠肺炎疫情,部份學生無法抵臺上課,故本校除運用原先之課業輔導系統外,自108-2學期起建置本校雲端教學系統Microsoft Teams,教師得以同步或非同步(錄影/音)方式進行授課,協助108-2與109-1學期無法抵臺之同學以遠距的方式完成課業。


觀光專業基本素養與實習能力(Understand the basic terms in knowledge and internship practices) (比重 40%)觀光資訊之蒐集分析整合與應用能力(Enable to demonstrate ability in information analysis and decision integration in hospitality and tourism industry) (比重 20%)觀光產業行銷能力(Enable to demonstrate marketing ability in hospitality and tourism industry) (比重 10%)具備考取觀光相關證照的能力(Enable the ability to obtain professional certificates in hospitality and tourism fields) (比重 10%)與國際接軌之相關外語能力(Develop language skills for entering foreign markets) (比重 10%)培養具備道德與企業倫理素養(Familiarize with moral awareness and ethical thinking in hospitality and tourism industry) (比重 10%)
出席率及課堂參與度(Attendance and class participation)%%%%%%%
作業及上臺報告(Assignments and presentations)%%%%%%%
期中紙筆測驗(Mid-term written exam)%%%%%%%
期末紙筆測驗(Final written exam)%%%%%%%


(Students should comply with intellectual property rights and MUST NOT make illegal copies.  For the second-hand book information, please click the link above.)

林建煌(2019),消費者行為概論(Introduction to Consumer behavior)(5版),臺北市:華泰文化。

ISBN-13: 978-957-43-6278-3 (平裝)
華泰文化:Tel: 02-2162-1217#113或122
(Please accelerate the purchasing process to receive textbooks earlier!)

(Note: We do not provide the authors' PPT with copyright for you to download.  Please respect the authors' efforts and buy the textbook to read in details.)


(Students should comply with intellectual property rights and must not make illegal copies.  For the second-hand book information, please click the link above.)

(Please refer to any other relevant textbooks at university level listed below (including the Chinese, English, and Chinese translation versions once chosen by this course for textbooks).

1. 沈永正(2015),消費者行為:成功行銷的必備要素(3版),臺北市:三民書局。
2. 李宜靜等十一位合著(2014),觀光暨餐旅消費者行為,臺中市:華格納出版社。
3. 林建煌(2019),消費者行為概論(Introduction to Consumer behavior)(5版),臺北市:華泰文化。
4. 林建煌(2019),消費者行為(Consumer behavior)(6版),臺北市:華泰文化。
5. 林欽榮(2010),消費者行為(2版),臺北縣:揚智文化。
6. 張孝銘(2013),休閒消費者行為(2版),臺北市:華都文化。
7. 黃金柱、吳冠璋(2017),觀光暨休閒消費者行為,新北市:華立圖書。
8. 屠如驥(1999),觀光心理學概論,臺北市:百通圖書。
9. 喬正康主編,張琬菁校閱(2001),餐旅心理學,臺北市:揚智文化。
10. 曾光華(2013),消費者行為(Consumer behavior):洞察生活,掌握行銷(2版),新北市:前程文化。
11. 榮泰生(2007),消費者行為(2版),臺北市:五南圖書。
12. 廖淑伶(2015),消費者行為(Consumer behavior)(2版),新北市:普林斯頓國際。
13. 劉純編著,張琬菁校閱(2001),旅遊心理學,臺北市:揚智文化。
14. 劉翠華、李銘輝(2008),觀光心理學,臺北縣:揚智文化。
15. 鄭紹成、王雪瀞、吳敏華、高于歡(2014),消費者行為:顧客至上,新北市:華立圖書。
16. 謝淑芬(1994),觀光心理學,臺北市:五南圖書。
17. 簡明輝(2014),消費者行為(3版),新北市:新文京開發。
18. Assael, H. (2006),消費者行為-策略性觀點(Consumer behaviour: A strategic approach) (黃明蕙譯),臺北市:雙葉書廊,(原文於2003年出版)。
19. Blackwell, R. D., Miniard, P. W., Engel, J. F., Pai, D.-c., Norjaya, M. Y., & Wan Jooria, H. (2012). Consumer behavior. Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia.
20. Blackwell, R. D., Miniard, P. W., Engel, J. F., Pai, D.-c., Norjaya, M. Y., & Wan Jooria, H.著, 白滌清編譯(2012),消費者行為(Consumer behavior),臺北市:新加坡商聖智學習(Cengage Learning)(原文於2012年出版)。
21. Horner, S., & Swarbrooke, J. (2016). Consumer behaviour in tourism (3rd ed.). London: Routledge.
22. Mayo, E. J., Jr. & Jarvis, L. P.著,蔡麗伶譯(1990),旅遊心理學(The psychology of leisure travel, effective marketing and selling of travel services),臺北市:揚智文化(原文於1981年出版)。
23. Pearce, P. L.著,劉修祥譯(1990),觀光客行為的社會分析(The social psychology of tourist behaviour),臺北市:桂冠圖書(原文於1982年出版)。
24. Ross, G. F.著,劉修祥譯(2003),觀光心理學(1版)(The psychology of tourism, 2nd ed),臺北市:桂魯(原文於1998年出版)。
25. Solomon, M. R.著,白滌清編審(2009),消費者行為(2版)(Consumer behavior: Buying, having and being, 8th ed),臺北市:臺灣培生(原文於2008年出版)。
26. Swarbrooke, J., & Horner, S. (2007). Consumer behaviour in tourism (2nd ed.). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
27. Swarbrooke, J. & Horner, S.著,謝智謀,王怡婷譯(2001),觀光消費行為-理論與實務(Consumer behaviour in tourism),臺北市:桂魯(原文於1999年出版)。
28. Urry, J.著,葉浩譯(2007),觀光客的凝視(1版)(The tourist gaze, 2nd ed),臺北市:書林(原文於2002年出版)。
29. 國內相關學術期刊如:戶外遊憩研究(Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study, TSSCI),觀光休閒學報(Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies, TSSCI,原為「觀光研究學報」:Journal of Tourism Studies),餐旅暨觀光(Journal of Hospitality and Tourism,原為「餐旅暨家政學刊」:Journal of Hospitality and Home Economics)等,或相關主題之研討會論文等亦可自行參考。



(Please remember the following requirements.)
1. 本課程出席要求依學校規定。公假或事假須事先請假。(Please follow our University rules for absence.  You should apply in advance for your absence for approved official business or personal business.)
2. 點名無故不到場者,每次曠課扣本科目學期總成績10分。(If you do not come to the course without any reasonable proof, you will loss 10 points of your final score for each absent week.)
3. 點名單已簽到,但經由教師親自抽點發現並未在場者,記曠課二次並扣本科目學期總成績20分,恕不接受其它理由通融!(If your name appear on the signature form but you are found not in the classroom, you will loss 20 points of your final score for each case!  No reasons will be accepted for adding the points back!)
4. 同學請假請先上網登記,再於兩週之內繳驗請假證明正本給授課教師登記(須註明班級,姓名,學號,請假課程與請假日期等相關資訊)。(Please register your absence in the online system first, then provide your proof to your professor.)
5. 請假同學若提供家長證明, 請提醒家長於假單上親自寫下聯絡電話。並於繳交證明給老師之前,檢查是否已註明班級,姓名,學號,請假課程與請假日期等相關資訊。若須傳真,請傳至文大觀光系辦公室:02-28611402。(You may provide written notes from your parents or guardian to prove your absence.)
6. 期末集中排考請假請依「中國文化大學學生請假規則」辦理。(Please follow the strict rules of applying approval for final-exam absence in our University.)
7. 若於課堂中使用任何型式的行動裝置於非課程內容相關的個人用途,或在非指定發言或討論時講話,影響其他同學上課,經勸阻仍未改善者,將扣除課堂表現平時成績。(Please DO NOT use your mobile devices in the classroom for personal matters irrelevant to this course, or over talk to disturb other classmates.  Serious violation will deduct your class participation points.)





(To carry out the final group presentation, job contents and type according to the class specified in the job description shall control. Please be sure to provide on-time payment of written archives, overdue inadmissible.)

1. 本課程預計實施期中與期末紙筆測驗,主要以上課範圍為筆試重點。(The expected mid-term and final course written tests, mainly in the range for written examination focusing on the class.)
2. 本大三課程依慣例將當掉至少5%之後段同學,請大家務必加油!(About 5% students will be failed in this third-year course.  Please try your best to pass!)
3. 評分比重標準如下:(The weighting criteria are as follows:)
 (1) 出席率及課堂參與度(Attendance and class participation):20%
 (2) 作業及上臺報告成績(Assignments and presentation):30%
 (3) 期中考試~紙筆測驗(Mid-term written exam):20%
 (4) 期末考試~紙筆測驗(Final written exam):30%

4. 自104學年度起觀光系辦規定所有課程皆須參加期末集中排考,如不參加期末排考之課程將於停課日後自行考試,請同學注意!! 請勿於期末集中排考周安排任何活動及出國事宜,如需請假,參加期末排考之課程請假請循學校規定請假;如為停課日後自行考試者,依循學校期末排考規定向各老師請假,如因個人因素安排未能提供正當理由者將不予准假,相關請假規定視同期末排考規範請假。(Please pay extra attention to the strict rules of applying approval for final-exam absence in our University.)


第十二條 申請集中考試假應具備證明文件如下:(You can prepare relevant documents to apply for final-exam absence and take re-exam only under the following conditions.)
一、重大疾病:須蓋有醫院關防、院長印章之地區性醫院、區域性醫院、醫學中心等診斷證明書。(1. Serious illness with certificate from big hospitals.)
二、因親病喪葬:限直系親屬病危、喪亡、葬禮須分別檢附醫院證明、死亡證明、訃聞等有關文件。(2. Closest family members pass away.)
三、公假:符合本規則第五條所規定項目,經核准持所准公文辦理請假。(3. Absence for approved official business.)
四、懷孕生產:學生本人因懷孕所致之事(病)假、產假,得持醫生證明辦理請假。(4. Pregnancy)

作業多以分組方式進行,同學平時準備時須分組討論;且同學們於平時發問和課程參與討論之表現將列入成績評量。(Team work is needed for completing the assignment, the students prepared in peacetime to be group discussions and students usually ask questions and course participation in the discussion will include performance evaluation of.)

其它本課程相關注意事項如下。(Other relevant requirements for this course are listed as follows.)
1. 本學期「教學意見即時回饋系統」已開放使用,敬請同學多加使用。(The term "real-time feedback system for teaching" have been opened, students are kindly requested to pay more to use.)
2. 本課程之先修科目請由選課系統聯結。(Prerequisites This course by course-selecting system coupling.)
3. 請同學們記得至本校課業輔導系統另外登記常用之email,以便即時收取課程公告。(Please remember to academic tutoring system of the school registration of commonly used email in order to collect the course announcements.)
4. 將依課程進行之需,於課內宣佈其它應注意事項。(Further announcement will be made if necessary.)
5.  授課教師辦公室位於N845,email為,歡迎大家有問題前來約時間面談。(The teacher's office is located in N845.  My email is:  Everyone is welcome to make an appointment for any question.)




  1. 2021/02/25課程介紹 (Course Introduction)

    (The schedule is the expected teaching focus for each week.  The actual progress will be adjusted depending on the students' reaction in the class.)

    預祝大家228連假週末平安!(May you have a peaceful 228 Memorial Day weekend.)

    因應2020年初起之新冠肺炎疫情,部份學生無法抵臺上課,故本校除運用原先之課業輔導系統外,自108-2學期起建置本校雲端教學系統Microsoft Teams,教師得以同步或非同步(錄影/音)方式進行授課,協助108-2與109-1學期無法抵臺之同學以遠距的方式完成課業。


    教學大綱與進度 (Course Syllabus & Schedule)
  2. 2021/03/04Chapter 1 導論 (Introduction)


    Chapter 1 in Part 1  消費者行為基礎  (The Foundation of Consumer Behavior)
  3. 2021/03/11Chapter 2 消費者知覺 (Consumer Perception)

    本週上課時請繳交期末報告分組名單(最多6人一組)[Due day for group list for final assignment]


    Chapter 2 in Part 2  消費者的資訊處理與決策  (Consumers' Information Processing and Decision)
  4. 2021/03/18Chapter 3 消費者學習 (Consumers' Learning)


    Chapter 3 in Part 2  消費者的資訊處理與決策  (Consumers' Information Processing and Decision)
  5. 2021/03/25調課:專題演講(Speech)
    講題(Topic):E-ICP (Eastern Integrated Consumer Profile)消費者行銷資料庫介紹與操作應用分析講座

    敬請認真聽講與操作練習,以準備期中個人作業。(Please pay attention to the contents for preparing your mid-term personal assignment.)


    講者主題內容相關資料(Material relevant to the topic)
  6. 2021/04/01Chapter 4 消費者態度 (Consumers' Attitude)

    本週上課時請繳交期末報告小組公約[Due day for group contract for final assignment]

    敬祝大家連假快樂!(Wish you have happy spring holidays!)


    Chapter 4 in Part 2  消費者的資訊處理與決策  (Consumers' Information Processing and Decision)
  7. 2021/04/08校慶補假【放假一天】(Compensatory holiday for the University Anniversary 【No lectures for today】)


  8. 2021/04/15Chapter 5 消費者決策過程 (Consumers' Decision Making Process)


    Chapter 5 in Part 2  消費者的資訊處理與決策  (Consumers' Information Processing and Decision)
  9. 2021/04/22期中隨堂考試~紙筆測驗 (Mid-term Written Exam)

    敬祝大家期中考順利,没有任何預警科目!(Good luck to your mid-term exams!)


    期中考前授課範圍(Chapters taught before the mid-term exam)
  10. 2021/04/29Chapter 6 消費者動機 (Consumers' Motivation)

    期中試題檢討(Exam Questions Review)


    Chapter 6 in Part 3  消費者行為的微觀面 (Micro Perspective of Consumer Behavior)
  11. 2021/05/06Chapter 7 消費者人格特質、生活型態、價值與人口統計變數 (Consumers' Personality, Life Style, Value and Demographics)

    本週剛上課時請繳交期中個人作業(Due day for mid-term personal assignment)


    Chapter 7 in Part 3  消費者行為的微觀面 (Micro Perspective of Consumer Behavior)
  12. 2021/05/13Chapter 9 參考群體 (Reference Group)


    Chapter 9 in Part 4  消費者行為的宏觀面 (Macro Perspective of Consumer Behavior)
  13. 2021/05/20Chapter 8 文化 (Culture)
    Chapter 10 家庭 (Family)


    Chapter 8 in Part 4  消費者行為的宏觀面 (Macro Perspective of Consumer Behavior)
    Chapter 10 in Part 4  消費者行為的宏觀面 (Macro Perspective of Consumer Behavior)
  14. 2021/05/27Chapter 11 社會階級 (Social Class)
    Chapter 12 創新擴散與情境因素 (Innovation and Situational Factors)


    Chapter 11/12 in Part 4  消費者行為的宏觀面 (Macro Perspective of Consumer Behavior)
  15. 2021/06/03期末上臺報告(一) (Oral Presentation I):Group 1-7
    (Please see the assignment instructions for more details to prepare your group presentation and report)

    [Final assignment printouts and files (Word and PPT) due day for the presenting groups in this week]


    課程相關文獻資料(Course-related papers)
  16. 2021/06/10期末上臺報告(二) (Oral Presentation II):Group 8-14
    (Please see the assignment instructions for more details to prepare your group presentation and report)

    [Final assignment printouts and files (Word and PPT) due day for the presenting groups in this week]

    預祝大家端午節平安!(May you have a peaceful Dragon Boat Festival!)


    課程相關文獻資料(Course-related papers)
  17. 2021/06/17【停課一天】(Study holiday for the final exams 【No lectures for today】)


  18. 2021/06/24期末集中考試~紙筆測驗 (Final Written Exam)

    【大學部在校生期末考試週(Undergraduates' final exam week)】

    敬祝大家期末考順利,暑假快樂!(Good luck to your final exams!  Wish you have wonderful summer holidays!)


    (Chapters taught between the mid-term and final exams; contents of the oral presentations)