

3132 英美法導論 開課學期:1072
開課班級: 全商系 3, 財經組 1A
授課教師:林柏杉 選修 學年課 學分數:2.0 大賢 0105 星期一 13:10-15:00
Bachelor Program of Global Business 3, Department of Law 1A
Professor:LIN, BOR-SHAN Elective Full Year Credits: 2.0 Da Xian 0105 Monday 13:10-15:00


It is our objective to promote Chinese culture, enhance cross-disciplinary innovation, seek constant advancement, and embrace global community.


秉承質樸堅毅校訓,承東西之道統,集中外之精華,研究高深學術, 培養專業人才,服務社會,致力中華文化之發揚, 促進國家發展.
Based on our motto—“Temperament, Simplicity, Strength, and Tenacity,” “inheriting the merits of the East and the West” and “absorbing the essence of Chinese and foreign cultures,” we make it our mission to pursue advanced research, develop professional talents, serve the society, promote Chinese culture and support national development.



培育國際經營視野 To foster new perspectives of international business
培養國際學術研究智慧 To raise the standards of academic research in international business
訓練國際企業管理知能 To teach and equip students with the knowledge of international business management
養成國際多元文化倫理道德素養 To nurture international multiculturalism and ethical literacy


國際化專業知識與創新多元思維能力 Professional business expertise and analytical creativity
企業經營環境之觀察力 Examination of international business environment
經營分析與決策科學之能力 Experienced business analysis and scientific decision-making international business
洞悉企業經營績效之能力 Comprehensive insight into the reverberation of business performance ethical literacy
倫理道德素養與團隊合作能力 Aptitude for ethical literacy and teamwork


全英語溝通能力 Ability to communicate in English
國際企業專業知識 International business expertise
國際企業經營技能 International business management skills
多元文化整合與團隊合作能力 Multicultural integration and teamwork
正確國際企業倫理價值觀 Correct values of international business ethics


課程目標 1. 學生對學習英美法律感到興趣。2. 學生對英美法之基礎理論有一概括性之了解,能夠描述英美法學的研究方法、英美法系的歷史演進、法院制度、法源、法學方法、憲法、民刑事訴訟程序、契約法、侵權行為法、財產法的概況。3. 學生能夠提升英文法律文獻的閱讀能力,能夠以英語為工具,獨立研讀英美法律文獻。


全英語溝通能力 Ability to communicate in English (比重 20%)
國際企業專業知識 International business expertise (比重 20%)
國際企業經營技能 International business management skills (比重 20%)
多元文化整合與團隊合作能力 Multicultural integration and teamwork (比重 20%)
正確國際企業倫理價值觀 Correct values of international business ethics (比重 20%)


英美法導論為介紹英美法之基礎科目,旨在開拓法律專業學生對英美法系國家的法律制度、法學研究方法和法學思維之認識,增進學生因應國際化所需的專業知識及從事比較法學研究和立法政策研究的能力。本課程第一部分為英美法制度的一般性介紹,授課內容有普通法和衡平法的源起與發展、英美兩國法律制度和司法體系概論、美國的法源及其位階,美國法院及其管轄、法院判決書之解讀與案例研究法、法律的解釋適用與研究方法,律師養成與專業倫理。本課程的第二部份,著重於個別法律的介紹,如美國憲法、契約法、侵權行為法、財產法、刑法證據法或訴訟程序的討論。此一部分之教學,以英文案例研讀為主,培養學生閱讀判例的能力,理解判例爭點與論證方法。This course provides an overview of Anglo-American legal system, with particular emphasis on the common law foundations of the US legal system. The course aims to expand students’ view of legal institution, legal research techniques and the form of legal argument as well as the legal thought in common law countries. Further, the course is designed to enhance students’ professional knowledge to meet the needs of internationalization and to develop students’ ability to carry out comparative legal analysis and legislative policy research in the future. The first part of this course provides student a general understanding of Anglo-American legal system. The topic covers the origin and development of common law and equity, case-based research method, the US the history and development of Anglo-American Law, the UK and US legal and judicial system, source of law and its hierarchy in the US, American court system and jurisdiction, judicial opinion and case study method, interpretation and legal methodology, American legal education and professional responsibility. The second part moves to explore the case study and analysis in various aspects, such as constitutions, contacts, torts, evidence, and criminal law or procedure.


I.Course Description

This course provides student a general understanding of Anglo-American legal system, with particular emphasis on the common law foundations of the US legal system. Further, the course is designed to enhance students’ professional knowledge to meet the needs of internationalization and to develop students’ ability to carry out comparative legal analysis and legislative policy research in the future.
The topic covers the origin and development of common law and equity, case-based research method, the history and development of Anglo-American Law, source of law and its hierarchy, the UK and US judicial system, judicial opinion and case study method. The course seeks to familiarize the student with the relevant and governing legal principles which are used in various aspects of law, such as constitutions, administrative laws, contacts, torts, property, business, civil procedure, criminal law, criminal procedure.

II. Course Objectives and Expectations:

By completing all reading and writing assignments and consistently participating in class discussion, students will develop their facility in using American legal terminology and analysis through class discussions and writing assignments. Students will learn about principles and structures of the legal system in the United States, the U.S. system of government, the U.S. judicial systems at the federal and state levels, common law methodology, dispute resolution processes, law enforcement mechanisms.


The course will be taught using the following methods of instruction: lecture, class discussion and participation, and exams. Students will be expected to have absorbed the assigned material prior to class and to be able to respond to questions on the assigned material.  Additionally, students will brief court cases and will be prepared to discuss on those cases.


Class presentation and Participation:15%
Quiz: 10%
Midterm exam: 25%
Final exam:30%


1.Schubert, Frank August, Introduction to law and the legal system, Boston : Wadsworth, 2012.
2.Burnham, William, Introduction to the Law and Legal System of the United States, St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1995.(中譯本見參考書目)
3.David S. Clark & Tugrul Ansay, Introduction to the Law of the United States, Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1992.
4.Hoffman v. Jones,  280 So.2d 431(Fla. 1973)
5.Rosenfeld v. Ketter, 820 F.2d 38(1987)


1.Calvi, V. James, Susan Coleman, American Law and legal Systems, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1989.
2. Bodenheimer, Edgar, John Bilyeu Oakley and Jean C. Love, An Introduction to the Anglo-Amercan Legal System, Readings and Cases, 2nd ed., St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1992.
4.Toni M. Fine, An Introduction to the Anglo-American Legal System (2007)
5.William Burnham,林利芝譯,英美法導論,台北:元照出版公司,2007年9月。
6.Lawrence M. Friedman,楊佳陵譯,美國法導論,台北:商業周刊出版公司,2004年3月。
7. Neumann, Richard K. Jr., Legal Reasoning and Legal Writing: Structure, Strategy, and Style, 2nd ed., Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1994.
8. Altschler,Bruce E., Celia A.Sgroi, Understanding Law in a Changing Society, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1992
9.Kristiana L. Farris, Seeley v. State: the Need For Definitional Balancing in Washington
10. Atiyah P. S., Law and Modern Society, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.
11. Coughlin, George Gordon, Jr., Your Handbook of Everyday Law, 5th ed., New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 1993.



Quiz, Midterm exam and final exam.




  1. 2019/02/18The Law of Torts:Intentional Torts (侵權行為法: 故意侵權行為)  


    Delair v. McAdoo
  2. 2019/02/25The Law of Torts: Negligence (侵權行為法: 過失侵權行為)


    Ellena B. Michnik-Zilberman v. Gordon's Liquor, Inc.
  3. 2019/03/04The Law of Torts: Strict liability and consumer protection (侵權行為法: 嚴格責任和消費者保護)



    Assignment due on March 11: briefing  Payne v. Soft Sheen Products, Inc.
  4. 2019/03/11Business Law: Sales contracts (商業法律: 買賣契約)
  5. 2019/03/18Business Law: Negotiable Instruments (商業法律: 可轉讓證券)
  6. 2019/03/25Business Law: Type of Business Organizations ( 商業法律: 商業組織)
  7. 2019/04/01Agency(代理)


    Spring break(no class). The scheduled topics will be moved to a made-up class later. 學校調整放假一天,本日課程進度,擇期補課。
  8. 2019/04/08Property Law (財產法)
  9. 2019/04/15Mid-term Examination(期中考試)
  10. 2019/04/22Civil Procedure (民事訴訟程序)
    1.The features of civil procedure: Jury trial, concentrated trial, adversary system( 英美訴訟制度之特徵(陪審制度、集中審理、對抗制度)
    2.The pleading stage (陳述階段)
    3.The discovery stage (證據發現程序)


  11. 2019/04/29Civil Procedure (民事訴訟程序)
    4.Motion for summary judgement and the final pretrial conference (聲請即決判決及審前會議)
    5.Trial Procedure (賞判程序)
    6.Judgement in civil cases: money damages, equitable relief (民事案件之判決)
  12. 2019/05/06Criminal Law (刑法)
    1.Elements of a crime(犯罪構成要件): the wrongful act(axtus reus), Fault or guilty mind(Mens Rea), causation
    2.Accessories and Accomplices
    3. Solicitation, attempts and conspiracies


    James Calvi and Susan Coleman, Criminal Law,  American Law and Legal System
  13. 2019/05/13Criminal Law (刑法)
    4.Specific Offenses: Criminal homicide,,Burglary, Theft & Larceny, Rape (criminal sexual conduct)
    5.Defenses to criminal liability: FOP defenses, Real defenses
    6.Criminal sanctions: imprisonment, probation, the death penalty


    Case brief of  UNITED STATES v. PETERSON
  14. 2019/05/20Criminal Procedure (刑事訴訟程序)
    1.Pretrial procedures: arrest,  search and seizure, initial appearance, preliminary hearing
    2.Indictment: indictment by grand jury, indictment by information


  15. 2019/05/27Criminal Procedure (刑事訴訟程序)
    3.Arraignment: plead not guilty, plead guilty, plead nolo contendere
    4. Pretrial conference
  16. 2019/06/03Criminal Procedure (刑事訴訟程序)
    5.Criminal trial stage: Jury trial, exclusionary rule (刑事審判程序: 陪審團審判、證據排除法則)


    James Calvi and Susan Coleman, Procedure and Evidence,  American Law and Legal System
  17. 2019/06/10Intellectual Property Law (智慧財產權)
    1. Patent (專利)
    2. Trade Mark (商標)
    3. Copyright (著作權)
    4. Trade Secrete (營業秘密)
  18. 2019/06/17Final Exam