H888 聖經文學
英文系 1A
大賢 0106 星期四 08:10-10:00
2017 Spring
Department of English Language and Literature 1A
Da Xian 0106 Thursday 08:10-10:00
It is our objective to promote Chinese culture, enhance cross-disciplinary innovation, seek constant advancement, and embrace global community.
秉承質樸堅毅校訓,承東西之道統,集中外之精華,研究高深學術, 培養專業人才,服務社會,致力中華文化之發揚, 促進國家發展.
Based on our motto—“Temperament, Simplicity, Strength, and Tenacity,” “inheriting the merits of the East and the West” and “absorbing the essence of Chinese and foreign cultures,” we make it our mission to pursue advanced research, develop professional talents, serve the society, promote Chinese culture and support national development.
1. 培育學生紮實之英語聽、說、讀、寫、譯溝通能力。
2. 結合英美文學、語言學與英美文化之專業知識,培育有人文素養之英語文專業人才。
3. 提供多元課程,培養具有國際觀之專業人才。
4. 培育學生第二專長之基礎,強化就業競爭力,並擴展進修深造之管道。
具備英文聽、說、讀、寫、譯的溝通能力。 (比重 40%)
具備英美文學、文化素養與國際觀之專業人才。 (比重 50%)
具備應用英文(含語言教學)之基本專業技能。 (比重 10%)
Primarily, the course will emphasize the teaching of the Bible as literature. As the course is for one semester, it will be necessary to be very selective and will emphasize those parts of the Bible that have traditionally been regarded as“stories,”particularly the more important Old Testament narratives one finds in the first Five Books (the Pentateuch or the Torah). The course will also look into the more profound question as to the reasons why its many books over time became moral and spiritual lessons that continue to attract countless people who seek spiritual comfort from its pages. The teacher will try to give equal emphasis to both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Primarily, the course will emphasize the teaching of the Bible as literature. As the course is for one semester, it will be necessary to be very selective and will emphasize those parts of the Bible that have traditionally been regarded as“stories,”particularly the more important Old Testament narratives one finds in the first Five Books (the Pentateuch or the Torah). The course will also look into the more profound question as to the reasons why its many books over time became moral and spiritual lessons that continue to attract countless people who seek spiritual comfort from its pages. The teacher will try to give equal emphasis to both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
lecture, discussion groups and presentations
The Story Bible: Vol. I Old Testament and Vol II New Testament by Pearl S. Buck
No smartphone allowed on your desk top
2017/02/16 | Story of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, etc.
指定研讀資料Story Bible: Section 1 pp. 13~41 Read online Bible - Good News Bible Genesis 1 ~ 11
HOMEWORK: Check out the power point shown in class to help you understand what is required (教材). (1) On B5 loose-leaf paper, write out 2 quotations from Section 1 and give your reader's response to the quotation; (2) At the bottom of the page or on the back, write out 2-3 "think questions from Section 1. |
2017/02/23 | Story of Abram and Isaac指定研讀資料HOMEWORK: Story Bible: Section 2 pp. 42 ~72 online Bible - Good News Bible Genesis 15 God's Promise to Abram Genesis 18 The Visit of the Strangers Genesis 19 The Fate of Sodom Genesis 21 The Sons of Abraham Genesis 22 The Sacrifice of Isaac Genesis 24 Rebekah at the Well |
2017/03/02 | Story of Esau and Jacob指定研讀資料Story Bible: Section 3 pp. 73 ~ 106 Genesis 25 Esau Loses His Birthright Genesis 27 Jacob Tricks His Father Genesis 28: 10-22 Jacob's Ladder Genesis 29 Rachel and Leah Genesis 30 Jacob and Laban Genesis 33 Meeting of Jacob and Esau |
2017/03/09 | Story of Joseph指定研讀資料Story Bible: Section 4 pp. 107 ~ 155 Genesis 37: Coat of Many Colors Genesis 39 Joseph, a Captive in Egypt Genesis 41 Joseph's Brothers Bow Genesis 43 Joseph's Family in Egypt Exodus 1 ~ 2 Moses in the Bulrushes Exodus 3 The Burning Bush Exodus 5 "Let My People Go"
2017/03/16 | Into the Promised Land
指定研讀資料Story Bible: Section 5 pp. 156 ~ 201 Exodus 11, 12 The Night of Passover Exodus 15,16 Into the Wilderness Exodus 19, 20 The Ten Commandments Exodus 32 The Cloud Moves on from Sinai Numbers 13, 14 Land of Milk and Honey Joshua 6: 1-27 Joshua Fights the Battle of Jericho |
2017/03/23 | Stories of Ruth and David
指定研讀資料Story Bible: Section 6 pp. 220 ~ 280 Book of Ruth 1 ~ 3 Story of Ruth 1 Samuel 1 ~ 3 Samuel the Kingmaker 1 Samuel 16 David the Shepherd Boy 1 Samuel 17 David and Goliath 1 Samuel 18 The Enmity of Saul 2 Samuel 15-19 The Triumph and Tragedy of David 1 Kings 3:16-28 The Wisdom of Solomon
2017/03/30 | Stories of Jonah, Daniel and Job指定研讀資料Story Bible Section 7 pp. 281, 310, 329, 349 1 Kings 11:1-8 Division of the Kingdom Jonah 1, 2 Story of Jonah Book of Job 1 ~ 43 Story of Job Book of Daniel 1 ~ 14 Daniel |
2017/04/06 | Review Story Bible Vol II The New Testament |
2017/04/13 | Midterm and Birth of Christ and its meaning for the world指定研讀資料Bible Story Vol II Luke 1:5-80 The Angel Gabriel Luke 2:1 The Birth of Jesus Matt 2:13 The Boyhood of Jesus |
2017/04/20 | Beginning of his Mission - 4 Gospels
指定研讀資料Bible Story Section 2 pp. 35 - 59 Luke 3:1 (Matt. 3:1-17) John the Baptist Matt 4:1 (Luke 4:1) Jesus in the Wilderness John 2:1 The Beginning of the Mission John 4: 45 Jesus in Galilee |
2017/05/04 | Sermon on the Mount - as the crux of New Testament指定研讀資料Bible Story Section 3 pp. 60 - 85 Luke 4~6, Mark 1~2, Matt 9, 12, John 5 The Miracles of Jesus Matt 5:1~11 (Luke 6:12-20) Part 1: Sermon on the Mount Matt 5:17~21, 5:38~43 Part 2: a new code of ethics Matt 6:1, 6:7~25 Part 3: How to pray Matt 7: 7~28 Part 4: Love thy enemies Matt 8:5, 11:1~12 (Luke 7:11~17) Part 1: Jesus, John the Baptist Matt 6:14, 14:1 Part 2: Death of John |
2017/05/11 | Parables - as representing the message of Christ指定研讀資料Bible Story II, Section 4 pp.86 - 117 Parables -- Matt 13:3~9, 18~23 (Luke 8:4~15) (1) The Sower; Matt 13:24~30 (2) Weeds; Matt. 13:31~32 (Luke 13:18~19) (3) Mustard Seed; Matt 13: 44~46 (4) Kingdom of Heaven liken to a pearl Miracles -- Matt 14:22~36 Storm in the sea Mark 5:22 (Luke 8:40) dying daughter of Jairus Mark 5:24~33 old sick woman touching Jesus' robe
Matt 14:13~21, 22~33 The Feeding of the Multitude Matt 16:13~28 Jesus speaks to apostles Matt 17:1~13 Transfiguration (foretells his death)
Matt 18:1~10 Disputes in the Temple Matt 19:13~15 Jesus and Children John 3:1 Nicodemus John 9:11~12, 25~38 blind man
The Gathering storm (more parables) John 10:1 (Luke 15:1~31) Parable of the Good Shepherd Luke 10:25~37 Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 15:11~32 Prodigal Son
2017/05/18 | The Raising of Lazarus指定研讀資料Bible Story II, Section 5 pp. 118-125, 135-157 (skip The Way to the Cross, p. 126~134)
John 11:1~44 The raising of Lazarus Luke 18:1~5 pray constantly Luke 18:9~14 Pharisee and tax collector Matt 19:16 (Luke 18:18~27, Mark 10:17) rich man and eternal life Matt 19:24, Luke 18:25, Mark 10:25 camel and needle's eye
Last Hours in the Temple Mark 12:41~44 (Luke 21:1) woman with 2 coins John 12:23~36 dying is living; living is dying Matt 25:36 Be watchful Matt 25: 14~30 two caretakers (5 talents and 1 talent) Matt 25:34~46 What you do to the least, you do unto Me.
The Last Supper Matt 26:17, John 13:1, Luke 22:7, Mark 14:12 John 15:1~17 I'm the vine, you are the branches
The Betrayal Luke 22:37, Matt 26:14~27 Luke 22:54~62 Peter denies Jesus
2017/05/25 | The Trial, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension to Heaven 指定研讀資料Bible Story II, Section 6 pp. 158 ~190 John 18:28~38 (Matt 27)The Trial (Pontius Pilate and Jesus)
Matt 27:32~56 The Crucifixion
Luke 24 (Mark 16, Matt 28, John 20) He Is Risen
Luke 24:31 (Acts1:1~11,Mark 16:19) Jesus Ascends into Heaven
2017/06/01 | Epistles of St. Paul Final exam指定研讀資料
2017/06/15 | 1 Corinthians 13:1~13 |