8823 木本植物分類學(一)
森保系 1
大恩 0407 星期二 15:10-17:00
2011 Spring
Department of Forestry and Nature Conservation 1
Professor:SU, MONG-HUAI
Da En 0407 Tuesday 15:10-17:00
It is our objective to promote Chinese culture, enhance cross-disciplinary innovation, seek constant advancement, and embrace global community.
秉承質樸堅毅校訓,承東西之道統,集中外之精華,研究高深學術, 培養專業人才,服務社會,致力中華文化之發揚, 促進國家發展.
Based on our motto—“Temperament, Simplicity, Strength, and Tenacity,” “inheriting the merits of the East and the West” and “absorbing the essence of Chinese and foreign cultures,” we make it our mission to pursue advanced research, develop professional talents, serve the society, promote Chinese culture and support national development.
So that students have the basis of classification and identification of woody plants.
森林資源培育及利用能力 (比重 30%)
生態保育應用及執行能力 (比重 30%)
實驗、調查及資料研析能力 (比重 20%)
專案策劃及執行能力 (比重 10%)
人際溝通及團隊合作能力 (比重 10%)
Teaching the basic taxonomic concepts of woody plants in Taiwan, and introducing the phylogenetic evolution of major groups according to the APG system, including nutritional characteristics, reproductive characteristics, specimens and herbaria, flora, electronic resources and taxonomy development history and classification system wait.
本課程為森保系的必修課程, 且為一學年的課, 由此可知本課程對森保系同學之重要性. 本課程旨在教授關於台灣木本植物的基本分類學觀念. 所謂木本植物分類學傳統上又稱之為樹木學. 不過嚴格說來, 樹木學是比較著重於介紹樹木的名稱, 歸屬與用途的學問, 而木本植物分類學, 則是除了傳授樹木學的知識以外, 再加上植物分類學的觀念. 而在植物分類學的知識傳遞上, 本課程除了傳統的概念外, 亦加入最新的APG高等植物演化關係, 以使同學的觀念能保持最新. 本課程預計安排大綱如下:
This course is much fundmental for students of Dept. Forestry and Nature Conservation. It is aimed to teach the taxonomy of woody plants of Taiwan. The newest version for angiosperm phylogeny by APG is mentioned here. Three topics are designated, including:
1. 植物分類學概念 Concepts of Plant Taxonomy (上學期)
2. 台灣木本植物相及各科通論 Woody Flora of Taiwan (上、下學期)
3. 植物分類學原理 Fundamental of Plant Taxonomy (下學期)
1. 平時成績:20%。
2. 期中考:40%。
3. 期末考:40%。
無, 以自編教材為主
1. Huang, T. C. et al., eds. Flora of Taiwan. Second edition. Vol. 1-6. Editorial Committee of the Flora of Taiwan.
2. Judd. W. S. et al. 2002. Plant systematics : a phylogenetic approach. Sinauer Associates.
3. Li, H. L. 1963. Woody Flora of Taiwan. Livingston Publication Co.
4. Simpson, M. G. 2006. Plant Systematics. Elsevier/Academic Press.
5. 金平亮三. 1917. 台灣樹木誌. 台灣總督府殖產局林業試驗場.
6. 金平亮三. 1936. 台灣樹木誌 (修訂版). 台灣總督府中央硏究所.
7. 陳玉峰. 台灣植被誌. 第1-8卷.
8. 黃增泉. 2006. 高等植物分類學原理. 華香園.
9. 楊遠波等. 台灣維管束植物簡誌. 第1-6卷. 行政院農委會.
10. 劉棠瑞,廖日京.1981. 樹木學. 台灣商務印書館.
11. 劉棠瑞. 1991. 台灣木本植物圖誌. 台灣大學農學院.
12. 劉業經, 呂福原, 歐辰雄. 1994. 台灣樹木誌. 中興大學農學院.
- 星期二 08:00-11:00
- 星期四 14:00-17:00
課程介紹 Introduction to the Course
Plant Taxonomy and Dendrology Terminology 術語 Plant taxonomy 植物分類學: Woody plant taxonomy 木本植物分類學: Dendrology 樹木學: What are ‘Woody Plants’? Life form: tree, shrub or liana. With lignification 木質化 and cambium 形成層. No sharp boundary between herbs and woods.
Definition Taxonomy (分類學):A science dealing with the study of classification, identification, description and nomenclature, including its bases, principles, rules and procedures.(A. E. Radford. 1986. Fundamentals of Plant Systematics. p. 18)
植物分類學與木本植物分類學 Plant Taxonomy and Dendrology
Taxonomy vs. Systematics Systematics (系統學) : To discover all the branches of the evolutionary tree of life, to document all the changes that have occurred during the evolution of the branches, and to describe all species – the tips of these branches.(Judd, W. S. et al. 2002. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach. p. 3) Systematics = Taxonomy + Phylogeny (親緣學) Question:Why do we need the Taxonomy? How do we decide a plant name?
Folk name (俗名): a name given by no rules (laws), and used locally. Ex. 日本山茶, 鳳凰山茶, (yabutsubaki), camellias, Scientific name (or botanical name, 學名): a name given by strict rules (laws), and used globally.Ex. Camellia japonica L.
History of Nomenclaturefor Plants Before Linnaeus: No rule. C. Linnaeus: Binomial nomenclature 二名法. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) 植物命名法規. by International Botanical Congress 國際植物學大會. From 1867 by A. de Candolle (Paris Code). The present version is “Vienna Code”, in 2006. Structure of a Scientific Name Binomial nomenclature. Genus (Latin) + species (Latin) + Author(s) (English).Ex.Camellia japonica L. Taxonomic Rank Species - Subspecies (subsp.) - Variety (var.) - formation (forma)ex.Camellia japonica L. var. macrocarpa Masamune Camellia japonica var. macrocarpa (abbrev. 縮寫) Taxon 分類群 (pl. Taxa): a defined group in taxonomy. Species (種) vs. Taxon (分類群) In taxonomy, species is strictly defined as a taxon at species rank. At any taxonomic rank, the same taxonomic group can be assigned as a taxon.
植物分類學歷史 History of Plant Taxonomy
Outline Prehistory 史前時期 Ancient Greeks 古希臘時期 Pre-Linnaean Period 前林奈氏時期 Linnaean Period 林奈氏時期 Post-Linnaean Period 後林奈氏時期 Molecular Evolution Period 分子演化時期 Historic background in Taiwan
文獻、標本與標本館 Literature, Specimens and Herbaria
Taxonomic Literature A taxonomic literature is referred to a literature which is corresponding with the taxonomic treatments (分類處理) of a scientific name. Taxonomic treatments are concerning with the publications (發表), transfers (轉移), or combinations (組合) of taxa. Electric Resources Some important literature has been digitalized. Most of which can be found on the internet. Reference with only the electric version can not be treated as a formal taxonomic literature.
Specimen and Herbarium A specimen is one part or whole of the organism, which is reserved and used for diagnosis. Herbarium (pl. herbaria) is a place where specimens are deposited. Type specimen (模式標本) a specimen which is associated with a botanic name when been published according to ICBN. Holotype 全模式. Isotype 等模式 = duplicates of holotype Syntype 等價模式: two or more specimens are assigned as types. Lectotype 後選模式. Neotype 新模式.
分類系統與親緣架構 (植物系統學) Plant Systematics
Taxonomy vs. Systematics Systematics(系統學): To discover all the branches of the evolutionary tree of life, to document all the changes that have occurred during the evolution of the branches, and to describe all species – the tips of these branches.(Judd, W. S. et al. 2002. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach. p. 3) Systematics = Taxonomy + Phylogeny (Evolution) Prevailing Taxonomic Systems Benthan and Hooker Engler and Prantl (Flora of Taiwan 使用) Hutchinson (TAIF使用) Cronquist Angiosperm Phylogeny Group’s (APG) Natural vs. Artificial How do we decide a character is primitive or not? Natural systems (自然系統): the phylogenetic order is decided according to the time when the taxon was evolved. Artificial systems (人為系統): the phylogenetic order is decided according to the subjective opinion of the scientist.
Pteridophytes; Ferns Vascular bundles. Spores. Alternation of generation (世代交替). Leaves dominant. Circinate vernation (捲曲狀幼葉).
Eusporangiate ferns 厚囊蕨 and leptosporangiate ferns 薄囊蕨 Morphology of a fern Leaf margin葉緣 Venation 脈型 Venation Scale 鱗片 Sorus 孢子囊群 Sorus Families of the Ferns
Five groups of seed plants Ginkgophyta (銀杏門) Cycadophyta (蘇鐵門) Coniferophyta (松柏植物門) Gnetophyta (麻黃門) Anthophyta (被子植物門)
台灣的裸子植物原生者有蘇鐵門與松柏植物門. Introduction to Families Cycadaceae 蘇鐵科 Ginkgoaceae 銀杏科 Coniferophyta Pinaceae (松科) Taxodiaceae (杉科) Araucariaceae 南洋杉科 Cupressaceae (柏科) Taxaceae (紅豆杉科) Amentotaxaceae(穗花杉科) Podocarpaceae (羅漢松科) Cephalotaxaceae (粗榧科) Ephedraceae 麻黃科
Five groups of seed plants Ginkgophyta (銀杏門) Cycadophyta (蘇鐵門) Coniferophyta (松柏植物門) Gnetophyta (麻黃門) Anthophyta (被子植物門)
台灣的裸子植物原生者有蘇鐵門與松柏植物門. Introduction to Families Cycadaceae 蘇鐵科 Ginkgoaceae 銀杏科 Coniferophyta Pinaceae (松科) Taxodiaceae (杉科) Araucariaceae 南洋杉科 Cupressaceae (柏科) Taxaceae (紅豆杉科) Amentotaxaceae(穗花杉科) Podocarpaceae (羅漢松科) Cephalotaxaceae (粗榧科) Ephedraceae 麻黃科
被子植物基群 Basal Angiosperms
Phylogenetic Relationships of Angiosperms 被子植物的親源關係 Illiciales 八角茴香目 Schisandraceae 五味子科 Illiciaceae 八角茴香科
木蘭類 Magnollids
Magnoliaceae 木蘭科 Michelia formosana 烏心石 Magnolia kachirachirai 烏心石舅 Myristicaceae肉豆蔻科 Lauraceae 樟科 |
木蘭類 Magnollids
Magnoliaceae 木蘭科 Michelia formosana 烏心石 Magnolia kachirachirai 烏心石舅 Myristicaceae肉豆蔻科 Lauraceae 樟科 |
單子葉植物 Monocots
Pandanales 露兜樹目 Arecales 棕櫚目 Commelinales 鴨跖草目 Poales 禾草目 Zinginberales 薑目 |
單子葉植物 Monocots
Pandanales 露兜樹目 Arecales 棕櫚目 Commelinales 鴨跖草目 Poales 禾草目 Zinginberales 薑目 |
真雙子葉植物基群Basal Eudicots
Proteales 山龍眼目 Trochodendrales 昆欄樹目 |
核心真雙子葉植物基群Basal Core Eudicots
Aizoaceae 番杏科 Amaranthaceae 莧科 Basellaceae 落葵科 Caryophyllaceae 石竹科 Droseraceae 茅膏菜科 Molluginaceae 粟米草科 Nyctaginaceae 紫茉莉科 Phytolaccaceae 商陸科 Plumbaginaceae 藍雪科 Polygonaceae 蓼科
核心真雙子葉植物基群Basal Core Eudicots
Caryophyllales 石竹目 Santalales 檀香目 Saxifragales 虎耳草目 Crassulaceae 景天科 Daphniphyllaceae Hamamelidaceae 金縷梅科 teaeceae 鼠刺科 Saxifragaceae 虎耳草科